
Trade Forex For All Seasons

Forex market does not always behave the same. Sometimes it doesn’t trend for a long time and so trend traders have to sit on the fence and do nothing. Sometimes it keeps on moving strongly toward a direction and it doesn’t give you any chance to enter. Sometimes it keeps on moving inside a range and those who are used to trade with some special times frames only, will not be able to trade for a long time. Above all, sometimes a good trading system that was used to work like a charm, stops working and starts hitting the stop loss.

Professional and full time traders can not be stopped by these kinds of problems. They keep their discipline, but they are also able to use different systems based on different market conditions. They can easily find out that the system they have been using for a long time, can not be used at least for a while, because of the market’s new condition. Therefore they either switch to a different system, or modify their systems to make it suitable for the new condition. At the same time, they know the time that they should shift back to the system they have been using before.

Techniques are the same but it is the tactic and strategy that have to be changed to use the technique properly, under different conditions.

One of the problems that some traders have is that they trade profitably for a while, sometimes for a few months consecutively, but then they start losing. There are several reasons for this. After a while of making profit, they get greedy and want to make more. So they try to improve a system that has been doing good. Or they start overtrading and try to take more risk. This will be ended to nothing but loss. This is the most common reason, but the other reason is that, as I explained above, sometimes the market condition changes but most traders are not aware of it. They try to make money using the same method, but it doesn’t work. Or the time frames they were used to analyze go to a ranging phase and do not form any proper trade setup.

As you see, trading is much more than clicking on the buy/sell buttons. A trader should always look at the bigger picture and have the market condition in his mind, while trading with different time frames. That is why on every weekend, first I collect and analyze all the important news we have for the next week. Then I analyze the time frames from monthly to one hour and 15min to know the direction of the market for all the currency pairs. This is how it works!

Thanks for your time and happy trading